
Ready…or not…


Hello friend, this is my first stab at a blog.  I’m not exactly sure what this blog will be, but I expect I’ll feel that out rather quickly…   First things first, I’m trying to learn the ins and outs of blogging, and apparently, my first blog post should have been this entry.  But I was too eager and jumped in with a photo challenge, and then a daily prompt.  So, this is my third, first post.  Right.

Why this blog?  And why “By the Wayside?”  Blogging is not something that comes easily to me…at all.  I’m usually the observer, not the speaker.  And certainly not the attention seeker.  But as all INFJs out there can relate, the words are always being formed in our minds, albeit more slowly and cautiously than with others.  The impetus to finally create my own page is in large part driven by my station in life.   I think change is good.  In my case, I think change is needed.  And sometimes, getting off the path you’re on is the only thing that will position you in the right direction.  I think this blog is my diversion, my change.  I’m betting on it and hoping my faith will sustain me along the way.

Ok then, Marigold*, off you go.   May the road rise up to meet you.


*Not the real “INFJ”

8 thoughts on “Ready…or not…

    1. Thank you, I appreciate that a lot! I finally dove in and am really enjoying it. I definitely underestimated the technical, set-up side however; it’s a bit of a learning curve. So I’m still refining the design of my site.

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